Daily Market Outlook – FDX and UPS start delivering COVID-19 vaccine across US

EU indices rebounded after the selling pressure on Friday, and the US futures market also starts the week in green. In other major news the CDC has formally approved the distribution of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination, with Fedex and UPS commencing delivery of them across various states in the US. 

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US news: Joe Biden is continuing to form his government, and reports state the President-elect is considering appointing former UN Ambassador, Samantha Power, to head the USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development).

Treasury and Commerce departments have experienced a serious cyber-attack, with many experts suspecting Russia is behind this breach.

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EU-UK news: Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen have agreed to “go the extra mile” in order to come into an agreement during open Brexit negotiations, yet it is still questionable which side will compromise on what to get there. The European Central Bank is expected to announce its plan to restart dividend payments for Eurozone banks under strict limits.

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Corporate news: On Saturday, AstraZeneca announced the biggest deal in its history with the purchase of Alexion for $39bn in a cash-and-stock agreement. Alexion is a specialist in immunology and treatments for rare diseases. Deutsche Bank is considering moving 4,600 employees, half of its new staff, to lower-cost areas over the next five years. EA is planning to acquire Codemaster for $1.2bn to become the leader in the racing game market. The deal is expected to close Q1 202.1

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Macros: Earlier today, China’s new home price growth increased by 4% which was the slowest since February of 2016, EU industrial production dropped by 3.8% in October while Japan’s increased by 4% MoM respectively. No other major news is expected later today.


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