Market Recap – The week ahead

EU is about to commit towards a net zero emission economy by 2050 and possibly update its 2030 target. Companies like VW, Daimler, EasyJet, Airbus are on board.

France-Germany-Russia and Ukraine are meeting today in Paris, to talk on Ukraine.

The FED (Wednesday) and the ECB (Thursday) are having their last monetary meetings of the year. No policy change expected from both Central Banks. Some misunderstanding and a consecutive market over-reaction is expected during the Christine Lagarde’s first press conference as the head of the ECB. For a woman with a political background, being able to communicate inhumanly, as a Central Banker, will not come easy. Nomura is expecting a further -10bps cut for the deposits at the ECB.

UK’s general snap elections will take place on Thursday.

Macro releases: Latest readings were mixed. On the one hand, there is China that reported falling monthly trade balance, and Canada that reported increasing unemployment rate. On the other hand, there is USA with increasing consumer spending and falling wholesale inventories, and Japan reporting a way higher final estimation for 3Q19 GDP. Full economic calendar can be found here.


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