Market Recap – The Week Ahead

The US primaries debut today in Iowa. The state gives a very small number of nominates at the Democrats race, but it is very important as it sets the momentum. Bernie Sanders is leading the polls, followed by Joe Biden.

China’s sprint to construct a 1000-bed hospital facility to respond to mass infections is set to won. The facility is opening today. China seems confident that the emergency will be contained and that the urgent measures that have been taken in Wuhan, will be waived by the end of March. Crowd’s wisdom is forecasting 100K to 200K total cases, to be reported to the World Health Organization, by March 20.

0302 1000bed hospital in China 

This Friday marks the 40th day since the killing of the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. At the last week’s interview to Spiegel, the Iranian foreign minister Zavad Zariff, has said that the Iranian formal response to the killing has already be given, but the real response will come from people. Soleimani is now considered a martyr.

Tomorrow the Central Bank of Australia (RBA) is having its monetary policy meeting. At the latest meeting on November 5, the Aussie (AUDUSD) that was trading at 0.6900 was supposed to be at the lower end of its range. No monetary policy change is expected.

Macro releases:  Today’s economic calendar includes the European, German, French, Canadian and US manufacturing PMI readings. The Japanese Manufacturing PMI that was released earlier today, stands at 48.8, below market participants expectations and below the 50 threshold.


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