Meet the Experts: jctradersystem16

jctradersystem16 has been working on his current system since Decemver of 2018. He has managed to be consistent and he is currently ranked #39 in Zulutrade platform. As he notes in his strategy description, he is focused on the support and resistant lines of longer timeframes and the patterns the charts are forming on these levels.

He is entering from the 15M timeframe and 80% of his trades are done at EURUSD. He has been trading for 39 weeks and generated a 21% annualized Return on Investment (ROI) and 435 pips Maximum DD. The overall NME is currently at 176$.

Let’s meet him and see what he has to say about his engagement with ZuluTrade. 

  • Tell us about your trading background and how you got started trading.

I have always liked the financial world and how it works from inside, I made a course and I started to be really passionate for the markets and forex

  • When did you first discover ZuluTrade? What was it about ZuluTrade that got your interest?

I discovered Zulutrade initially as a user since it is very difficult to be profitable and it is a very simple way to multiply your money without efforts. The most interested in Zulutrade was the trading platform, the overall organization of the company, the full transparency and the personalized support I received.

  • Give us the basic structure of your strategy.

After many years I have learned to read the price, the price always goes to certain areas of liquidity and it is there where I study the patterns that the price leaves, supports and resistance. Nothing more.

  • What’s your trade management approach – taking profit and exits, trade size and account- level risk management?

It is complicated, each trade has its own behavior, it is not always possible to leave the operation running as much as we want, at times you have to be satisfied with a smaller profit. The key, which can be learned with time, is monetary management.

  • How can your investors get the best by your strategy?

Do the same as me. They should not be influenced by the panic when the position is against, if you do a good monetary management there is only waiting for the result, and if you are wrong just close the trade and no problem, the important is to make sure that at the end of the month you remain profitable.

  • How do you feel when you have a good and a bad trade? How are you dealing with this?

Over time you learn to detach yourself from the result, you have to be like an expert advisor. Do not rejoice when you win or be furious when you lose, the important thing is to add pips at the end of the month.

  • Finally, if you could give some advice for the aspiring traders out there, what would it be?
    My advice is that they should educate themselves and study while they put their money in the hands of traders. That is the only way to have an account with little money and eventually double their balance. They always have to be prepared.

I have sacrificed many years in my life and now I have started to see the results. I love to be able to help others to make money. 

That was all from jctradersystem16. More Traders’ Interviews to follow…Stay Tuned!