Trader-specific features

We at ZuluTrade consider Traders (Signal Providers) to be the heart and spine of social trading, as it is them Followers look up to. They are the ones that do all the hard work of monitoring and interpreting the market. So, we constantly think of ways to highlight their services and allow Followers to make the most of their expertise.

With this in mind we have made 2 additions:

First of all, we have added a special tab, the Live Traders tab, in the Forex Performance table:


By clicking on this tab, Followers may review with a simple glance all Traders that are using Live Broker accounts to send signals and thus trading their own, real funds. The Broker of the account is also indicated, so Followers may feel more confident in their choice of Traders to follow.

This does not mean we have neglected our Demo Traders! We know that many of them are implementing robust and responsible strategies and have also many Followers. We have then updated the Trading rules and restrictions that apply specifically to demo Traders, leaving them some more room for maneuver.